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Kinship House and the families we support rely on the generosity of neighbors, like you. Your donation of money, items and time is essential to our mission. Want to help? We welcome you with open arms.

Lots of ways to give.

Donation of money.

All donations go to the operation of Kinship House.  A donation may also be given with specific donor directions. 

Donation of time or skills.

Our volunteers support our work in a range of ways, including facilities clean-up and beautification, fundraiser participating and the collection of donations of items and supplies. 

Donation of items. 

All donations are essential to the success of Kinship House and the families we support. Kinship House is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All donations are tax deductible.


Food Supplies

  • Beverages: bottled water, Gatorade, juice or juice boxes


  • Frozen foods: pizzas, chicken nuggets, cookie dough, French fries, pizza rolls, bagel bites


  • Snacks: fruit roll-ups, pudding/Jell-O Cups, applesauce cups, fruit snacks, Rice Krispy Treats, Goldfish, pretzels, animal crackers, chips, Go-Gurt, cheese sticks, individual snack packs


Cleaning Supplies
Lysol Wipes, Pledge, Windex, anti-bacterial hand soap, hand sanitizer, toilet cleaner, and Swiffer Wet-Jet refills


School Supplies
Backpacks and lunch totes


House Supplies
Paper towels, paper plates, plastic cups (small and large), tall kitchen trash bags, plastic silverware


Office Supplies
White copy paper, blue ink pens, glue sticks, white out, hanging file 3-tab folders, post-it notes, folders


Craft Supplies
Crayons, coloring books, washable markers, washable paints, paint brushes, construction paper, PlayDoh, finger paint


Trinket toys (for kids’ take-away), Little Tykes or other brand playhouse to put in a visiting room, Wii System games


New/gently used diaper changing table or wall mount diaper changing table

Kinship House extends their sincere thank you to the churches,
foundations, agencies, companies and individuals whose generous and
on-going support make our services possible.


Phone: 419 625-2672
Fax: NA


Kinship House
3920 Perkins Ave. 

Huron, OH. 44839

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